Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review

You can melt 9 pounds of fat per 11 days if you begin the easy to follow Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Plan It’s this extremely fast fat loss that is probably the biggest reason that this diet guide has been the top selling downloadable diet guide for many years.

It’s excellent effectiveness is just one of it’s success, the other main part is how easy it is to follow. This ease of use is where it gets it’s “4 idiots” moniker from! The guide is so very simple that “even an idiot” can follow it effectively. This is a very important aspect of what sets this diet apart since most weight loss plans of “modern times” are too complicated.

When you get instant internet access to the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program you should be able to start looking at the diet guide instantly and you will also be able to check out the “diet generator” program as well. This software is really great because it generates a dieting plan made specifically for you based on the food that you like.

Being able to get immediate online access is really one of the really great things about FatLoss4Idiots. It is not like a book where you have to wait for the book to arrive at your house, it is something you can download on the internet and get started with right away. In the internet age, why wait?

It’s also got a 100% satisfaction guarantee with a two month day full cash back refund available. What this essentially means that you are able to try the diet plan out for “free” for 60 days because if you are not totally satisfied with the diet for any reason you can very easily get all of your cash back in your account. You will not be able to find a money back guarantee this strong with the diet programs you see ads for on television!

If you decide that FatLoss4Idiots isn’t for you then another really great downloadable weight loss program that you should check out is called The Day Off Diet. It’s a newer weight loss program than Fat Loss 4 Idiots so it’s not as popular yet, but many dieters have experienced excellent results with it. It’s also available for immediate download online and it comes with a a money back refund period too! Probably the biggest selling point with The Day Off Diet is how you can take a weekly break from your dieting with the built in “cheat day” which surprisingly helps you to burn fat more quickly too.