The 4 Body Building Myths To Look Out For

If you are serious about making a solid pledge to a muscle-building program, you need to be very cautious of who you obtain advice from. Bodybuilding and fitness is literally a multi-billion dollar business with new websites popping up every single day. Most of the so-called “experts” available really do not have a clue of what they are talking about and are only motivated by pushing costly pills, powders and “miracle programs” on you that you just don’t really need. In the event you do not watch your step you may well end up falling for some lethal muscle-building pitfalls that may literally obliterate your gains and prevent you from ever accomplishing the extraordinary, muscular physique you wish for. In this post I am going to reveal 4 very widespread muscle-building myths in order to keep you on the proper trail to the mind-blowing muscle and strength gains you deserve.

Myth 1: In order to build muscle, you have to achieve a “pump” during your workout. The greater the pump you achieve, the more muscle you will build.

For those of you who are just beginning, a “pump” is the feeling that you get as blood gets trapped inside the muscle tissue when you train with weights. The muscles will swell up and leave your body feeling bigger, tighter, stronger and much more powerful. While a pump does feel fantastic, it has very little, if anything to do with properly stimulating your muscles to grow. A pump is merely the result of increased bloodflow to the muscle tissue and is certainly not indicative of a successful work out routine. A successful work out routine should only be gauged by the concept of succession. If you were capable of lift more weight or execute more reps than you did in the preceding week, then you did your job.

Myth 2: Building muscle will cause you to become slower and less flexible.

This one goes back to the old days when people described bodybuilders as being “muscle bound” and “bulky”. Contrary to what you might think, building a significant amount of lean muscle mass will actually speed you up instead than slow you down. Muscles are responsible for every movement that your body makes, from running to jumping to throwing. The bottom line is that the more powerful a muscle is, the greater force it can apply. Having stronger, more muscular legs means increased foot speed, just like having stronger and more muscular shoulders means the ability to throw farther. Strong muscles are able muscles, not the other way around. So go ahead and grow the washboard abs you want. You will not merely look better, but feel better about yourself.

Myth 3: You should always use perfect, textbook form on all workouts.

While using good form in the gym is always important, obsessing over ideal form is an entirely different matter. If you’re all the time attempting to perform every exercise using faultless, textbook form, you’ll actually increase your likelihood of injury and simultaneously decrease the entire amount of muscle stimulation you can achieve. Remember, we’re not robots! It’s very significant that you at all times move naturally whenever you exercise. This could mean adding a very slight sway in your back when you carry out bicep curls, or using a tiny bit of body momentum when executing barbell rows. Loosen yourself up a bit and move the way your body was meant to be moved. Obsessing over flawless form will in fact work against you instead of for you. So whenever you are looking for ways on how to get washboard abs, don’t lose sleep if you do not follow the instructions step by step.

Myth 4: If you’d like your muscles to grow you have to “feel the burn!”

This is another huge erroneous belief in the gymnasium. The “burning” sensation that results from extreme weight training is only the result of lactic acid (a metabolic waste product) that’s secreted in the muscle tissue as you exercise. Increased levels of lactic acid don’t have anything to do with muscle growth and may in fact slow down your gains rather than speed them up. It is possible to limit lactic acid production by training in a lower rep range of 5-7, instead of the typical range of 10 and above. So if you’re exercising to get the washboard abs you yearn for, don’t agonize if you don’t find yourself rolling on the floor from abdominal pain. It is ok, you will get those breathtaking abdominals, just be consistent and you’ll achieve your goals soon!